Nice showcase for agile visualization :)


On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 3:23 PM, Leonel Merino <> wrote:
Hi All,

I have been working on a visualisation of latency on a network. I found an interesting dataset with latency information of 140 cities around the world.
In the visualisation I show different metrics regarding latency such as from each city which other has the best/worst latency; cities that geographically are close but have high latency; far cities that have low latency; and average latency for each city.

When visualising the worst latency for each city I found that, for this network (at least), Valencia and in a minor extent Nairobi represent the worst endpoint for connections (in terms of latency). Also in the visualisation of far cities with low latency, Newmarket in Canada and Toledo in Spain concentrate the best endpoint for connections coming from Europe and North-America respectively.  

Here a couple of screenshots:

Here there is a screencast:

If you want to load the code:
Gofer new smalltalkhubUser: 'merino'
        project: 'NetworkLatency';
        package: 'ConfigurationOfNetworkLatency';
(ConfigurationOfNetworkLatency project version: '0.1') load.

To execute the visualisation:
NLVisualise new open

I would be glad to have your comments and suggestions.

Best regards,

Leonel Merino
Research Assistant
Software Composition Group
Institute of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
University of Bern


"Every thing has its own flow"