We are checking how we can make the FMRepositoryVisitor parametrized by an exporting context attached to a model.
However the Repository only gets the model entities and not the model.
This is a pity because we lack information held in the model (sourceLanguage, model versions, tags, who, what and the rest....)
export: aModel withMetamodel: aMetamodel to: aStream
| tower repository |
tower := FMCompleteTower new.
tower metaMetamodel: aMetamodel metamodel.
tower metamodel: aMetamodel.
tower model: (repository := (FMRepository with: aMetamodel) addAll: aModel entities).
tower model exportOn: aStream
What is the constraint that made that FMRepository does not get a model but just a list of entities?
We could pass the context to a repository but it seems better to pass a model.
What do you think?
Stef and Andre
Andre Hora