I finally got the time to include of the last layout of Mathieu that was not included: the reverse radial tree layout.
Here what it looks like (the edges are just for aesthetic purpose).
<Screen Shot 2013-10-15 at 9.12.12 PM.png>
The script was made in Moose, using the following:
view shape ellipse size: [ :cls | cls numberOfMethods log * 7 ].
view nodes: classGroup.
edges := view edgesFrom: #superclass.
view layout: (ROReversedRadialTreeLayout new userDefinedEdges: edges).
bs := (ROBSplineLine new).
bs alpha: 0.85.
bs setDiscovery: [ :cls | cls superclass ].
bs color: (Color red alpha: 0.5).
view shape: bs.
lastlevel := classGroup select:[ :cls | (cls subclassHierarchy size) == 0 ].
view edges: lastlevel from: #yourself toAll: [ :cls | (cls queryAllOutgoingInvocations atTypeScope) select: [:clsa | (clsa subclassHierarchy size) == 0 ]].
view raw bitmap.
Alexandre Bergel