That is the kind of view you can do with it :
What is a graphical representation of the AST of the code :
RBConfigurableFormatter class>>oneLineMessages: aString
OneLineMessages := self compiler evaluate: aString
Le 06/02/2014 16:56, Nicolas Anquetil a écrit :
could you post an view too so that people don't have to load FAST
and generate an AST to see what it is?
thank you
On 02/06/2014 04:48 PM, Vincent Blondeau wrote:
Hello everyone,
I am developing a API to do some searches and transformations on
To displaying the FAST AST, I created a tool using Roassal. You
can download it by doing :
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'VincentBlondeau' project:
package: 'FAST-Displaying';
You can use the tool on a method or a part of a method (ie a
FASTEntity) by generating the FAST models (in a FAST image,
right click on a moose model -> FAST -> generate FAST),
and doing, for example :
FASTERDisplay display: MooseModel root first allMethods first
Moreover, I would like to extend this tool to FAMIX and display
the moose model like a forest (group of tree).
For this displaying, I need the children of an entity and its
I found in the MooseModel the functions : children and
Are they dedicated functions for this kind of purpose ?
Because some don't seem to return the right objects like
FAMIXPackage>>children that returning only children
Packages and not children packages and classes.
And in MooseEntity, there is a method "children" whose return is
Thanks for your answers
Vincent Blondeau
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