
Simply using Mondrian is complicated to do this (Mondrian is not made to produce interactive & dynamic visualizations).

Instead, it would be great that you could try DataStudio, which is exactly designed for this kind of situations.

You can load DataStudio by using a dedicated plugin:

You can try some examples:

| c |
c := CAArtwork new.
c doAction: (CAAddElementAction new argument: (1 to: 7)).
c doAction: (CAAddEdgeAction new argument: [ :e | e + 1 ]).
c doAction: (CASwitchLabelAction new).
c doAction: (CAShapeSizeAction new argument: 30).
c doAction: (CAGridLayoutAction new).
^ c view

Here another example:

| c |
c := CAArtwork new.
c doAction: (CAAddElementAction new argument: (Collection withAllSubclasses)).
c doAction: (CAAddEdgeAction new argument: #subclasses).
c doAction: (CAShapeHeightAction new argument: [ :cls | cls numberOfMethods max: 5 ]).
c doAction: (CAShapeWidthAction new argument: [ :cls | cls numberOfVariables * 5 max: 5 ]).
c doAction: (CAShapeNormalizedColorAction new argument: [ :cls | cls numberOfLinesOfCode ]).
c doAction: (CATreeLayoutAction new).

c doAction: (CAAddGroupAction new argument: [ :cls | '*Array*' match: cls name ]).
c doAction: (CASwitchLabelAction new).
^ c view

You will end-up with something like:

Let me know how it goes...


On Jun 7, 2017, at 9:52 AM, Blondeau Vincent <vincent.blondeau@worldline.com> wrote:


You should ask in the Moose list ;)


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Alidra Abdelghani [mailto:alidrandco@yahoo.fr]
Envoyé : mercredi 7 juin 2017 15:34
À : pharo-users@lists.pharo.org
Objet : dynamic interaction with Mondriam

Hi all,

I would like to do some visualisations with Mondrian where you change the
visualisation by selecting actions. For instance you have :
b := RTMondrian new.
b shape rectangle withTextAbove.
b nodes:(1 to: 5).
b layout grid.
b edges connectFrom: [ :e | e + 1 ].
b build.
b view

then you can click a button to:
1  display/hide the labels above the elements.
2 display/hide some elements (all odd numbers for instance)
3 display/hide connections between elements.
I saw a visualisation in the Roassal examples where you can add elements in a
dynamic stack grapher. So I presume it is possible to do the same with other
types of visus.

Any hints?
Thanks in advance.

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