Hello All,
There are 5 slots left for Camp Smalltalk Charlotte 2019 taking place at the end of this month.
Now is the time to sign up if you are thinking of attending (see bottom for registration link).
Camp Smalltalk is about community engagement and collaboration.
There are a number of fantastic talks already lined up such as:
Developing Smalltalk solutions running directly on ios / android mobile platforms (along with tooling)
Live demo of @1MB remote-debuggable smalltalk images controlling peripherals attached to a Raspberry PI (ARM)
In-depth look at large scale use of CMake/CTest/CDash for use with Smalltalk systems
Smalltalk dialect portability solutions for the Smalltalk community (for use with GIT)
We also have a fantastic Saturday evening social dinner planned on the boardwalk near the hotel.
As a special gift to attendees, Instantiations will be providing everyone with their own Raspberry PI Zero Wifi devices
with 8GB mini-sd card and power supply. Raspbian Linux with VA Smalltalk for ARM will be pre-installed.
And if that isn't enough, each attendee will be receiving an open-source license for VA Smalltalk.
This event is happening March 29th – March 31st 2019 in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Hope to see you there!
