we wrote this test

    "self debug: #testHasExactlySamePropertiesThan"

    | cp |
    "I should have the same entity than a copy of myself"
    self assert: (self nodeClass hasExactlySamePropertiesThan: self nodeClass).

    self assert: (self nodeClass hasExactlySamePropertiesThan: self nodeClass veryDeepCopy).

the previous assertion does not work because the incoming references are indeed not pointing to the copy so this is correct that it does not work.

    cp := self model entityNamed: LANOutputServer mooseName.
    self deny: (self nodeClass hasExactlySamePropertiesThan: cp).
    cp := self nodeClass veryDeepCopy.
    cp instVarNamed: 'state' put: (cp instVarNamed: 'state') veryDeepCopy.
    cp propertyNamed: #numberOfLinesOfCode put: 12000. 
    "This property is described as a fame property on the entity kind but not existing on the copy
    so two entities should have different properties"
    self deny: (self nodeClass hasExactlySamePropertiesThan: cp).
    cp := self nodeClass veryDeepCopy.
    cp instVarNamed: 'state' put: (cp instVarNamed: 'state') veryDeepCopy.
    cp propertyNamed: #NOS ifAbsentPut: 12000. 
    "This property is described but it does not exist on the entity kind
    so two entities should have different properties"
    self deny: (self nodeClass hasExactlySamePropertiesThan: cp).

Now is there a way to only access the values that are stored in the properties?
Because right now we are using


and they include all the instance variable as well.

Andre Hora