Hello all,
I have a playground script that will analyze the first MSE model and produces output in a CSV file.
I would now like to be able automate this, and I think Tudor Girba gave me a hint of using Zeroconf.
So far I have not been able to get it to work under Windows 10. The curl command works to get the image from
curl get.pharo.org | bash
However, the following attempts don't result in errors, but I don't get any useful output either:
$ bash ./pharo Pharo.image --help
$ ./pharo Pharo.image --help
$ pharo-vm/PharoConsole.exe --headless Pharo.image --version
Does it work in Windows 10? I've tried in Git Bash and CMD.exe (the last command, since the bash commands don't work).
C. Fuhrman