On 31 трав. 2013, at 14:09, "Tudor Girba-2 [via moose-dev]" <
[hidden email]> wrote:
So Chris introduced a new AST node PJPrimaryWithSelectorsNode that has and array attribute called codeList and when you parse a code like: this.getCommand().getContext().getUser().getActiveProfile() a PJPrimaryWithSelectorsNode is created and codeList is filled with:
this, getCommand(), getContext(), getUser(), getActiveProfile().
Now I tell that is you parse this.getCommand().getContext().getUser().getActiveProfile() a method invocation is created. It has a selector "getActiveProfile" it has no parameters and it's invoked on this.getCommand().getContext().getUser() that is one more method invocation node.
As we are 2 persons with different ideas, I posted this on the Moose-dev list, so more people can debate on how do we define AST.
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