yes i got the same too and it looks not usable :)Strange. I obtain a visualization that looks like this one:
<Screen Shot 2013-09-28 at 10.28.04 PM.png>I have no error, except a warning saying that I should use atTypeScope instead of atClassScope.By the way, I am not sure why we have changed atClassScope -> atTypeScope. Their names implies a different meaning.
_______________________________________________AlexandreOn Sep 28, 2013, at 12:53 PM, Stéphane Ducasse <> wrote:Hi
I was following an exercise written by alex and the following code does not work
| superclassEdges |
luModel := (MooseModel allInstances last).
luClasses := luModel allModelClasses.
view shape rectangle size: [ :cls | cls queryAllOutgoingInvocations size ].
view nodes: luClasses.
superclassEdges := view edgesFrom: #superclass.
view treeLayout userDefinedEdges: superclassEdges.
view shape line color: Color red.
view edges: luClasses from: #yourself toAll:
[ :cls | cls queryAllOutgoingInvocations atClassScope ]
edgesFrom: raises an error several candidates.
and I do not understand why.
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Alexandre Bergel
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