2016-03-29 10:17 GMT+02:00 Andrei Chis <chisvasileandrei@gmail.com>:
Hello everybody,

We are conducting a small survey about Spotter.
It would help us if you would complete the survey at: http://spotter.limequery.com/index.php/216683/lang-en

We will use the data from this survey both in a research tasks and to help us to further improve Spotter.
The survey should take you less than 5 minutes to complete.

Thanks for your help!

Hi, some questions are unclear to me:

What does this question means:
"Did you use Spotter before?"

before what?
Before I took this survey?

The answers to
"I find the following features from Spotter: "
"Sometimes useful" "Sometimes irrelevant" aren't exclusions.

For the dive-in feature, I would answer something like:
I find the feature useful, but it often gives irrelevant results.

"How many different kinds of searches (e.g., senders, implementors, classes …) are you performing using Spotter?"

I often search for classes and methods, and I think most people only do this. What are "more than 10" kind of searches?

