Hi guys,

I started to play with Moose, because I need to analyze some code to detect some bad smells.

As I used Moose ** a long time ago ** I am bit confused (and also lost) with the way of using and manipulating the objects in the Moose panel.

Just an example to explain what I need is that:

1- I loaded a package of Pharo (let's say Collections-Sequenceable)
I can see all the information offered by the panel, but I would like to do is the following:

a) How can I access to the information of the model, for example, to manipulate the methods of the analyzed classes? In previous versions of Moose, we could do something like MooseManager currentModel, but I see that the design has changed drastically, and now I can not see how I can do it. I need specifically access to the info stored in the model.

b) I see that you are using pragmas to define how we calculate properties in each source code entity. For example in: 
<MSEProperty: #numberOfInvokedMethods type: #Number>
<MSEComment: 'Return a number corresponding to the number of invoked methods'>
^ self privateState propertyAt: #numberOfInvokedMethods ifAbsentPut: [self invokedMethods size]

I added a new property with the same structure, but when I analyzed again a previous application, my new property is not appearing in the list of properties for a method in Moose.
Should I call a special message, or make a class invoke another method to update the properties used to analyze the application?

I will appreciate a lot your help.

