Hi Hernan,
the canonical repo for xmi-analyzer is here https://github.com/peteruhnak/xmi-analyzer ,
so if you have an update, could you please provide it as a pull request there?
> XMLDOMVisitor -> XMLNodeVisitor
XMLDOMVisitor does much more than just visit nodes by their type -- https://github.com/peteruhnak/xml-dom-visitor
(I don't remember how many of the extra features I use in XMIAnalyzer)
I plan to update XMIAnalyzer to use actual XMI reader (which I already have), and an actual UML model (which I mostly have), so then the transformation to FAMIX would be from UML model, and not from a stupid XML file... but that will be probably mid/late summer.
If you are trying to just visualize the diagram and don't need Moose capabilities (metrics, analyses), then maybe you could use the UML model directly...
On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 08:13:56PM -0300, Hernán Morales Durand wrote:
> Hi Usman and others,
> I am trying to visualize an UML diagram using a XMI file in Moose. The
> attached file contains some updates to load properly using the latest
> XML-Parser in Moose 6:
> #visit: -> #visitDocument:
> Feel free to integrate into your repo if you like.
> Cheers,
> Hernán
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