By generating some models with the Jdt2Famix java parser, I rose an issue with the anonymous classes.
It appears that some methods and classes generated have no name (i.e. getName() = “”).
For instance, this code:
public static void method(String name) {
Comparator<String> comparator = new Comparator<String>() {
public int compare(String string1, String string2) {
return string1.toString().compareTo(string2.toString());
should model a stub constructor: Comparator. But, there is no such method and only an empty method belonging to the container class is created.
Consequently, it is harder to find them in the model … I opened an issue
https://github.com/girba/jdt2famix/issues/34 and added some tests that you can found in the PR:
Can someone take a look at this problem?
Thanks in advance,