Hi Offray,

Now it the latest version you do not get the error any more but the title of the tab is Untitled.

Feel free to open a bug report :)


On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 6:10 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <offray@riseup.net> wrote:
Any clue on this one? Should I open a bug report pointing to this mail?



El 29/03/15 a las 18:34, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas escribió:

Hi Andrei,

Thanks for your interest. I have checked and is not working. In fact is
worse that having the Untitled node because now I besides of not being
able to name the playground, I can't neither execute the code inside the
node tagged as "code" ("código") via the playground.

I have created an easy check procedure for the error. If you execute the
code at [1] in the Pharo 4.0 version update #40576 with unnamed nodes
(my current dev version right now) you will get behaviour filmed on the
video at [2] (no named playgrounds, but at least executable ones). While
if you run the same code with the current 5.1 build of Moose, which is
Pharo 4 version update #40586 you will get the behaviour in the video at
[3], ending in a 'MNU receiver of "title" is nil'.

[1] http://ws.stfx.eu/DZ4VUWWL9L5C
[2] https://archive.org/details/gfcp-unnamed-playgrounds.mp4
[3] https://archive.org/details/gfcp-unnamed-playgrounds-last.mp4

I can't understand the trace for the error in the stack, but my arachnid
sense tells me that there is a timing issue and the title message is
send before there is any object created to receive it. But my Pharo
superpowers are young and I can be totally wrong :-P. The procedure to
create the embedded playground in a node tagged as code is:

Grafoscopio-UI>>bodyForCodeIn: aConstructor for: aNode".
     "Shows the body of a node as an interactive playground. If node is
not tagged it will return itself,
      so it can be rendered properly for other messages"

     | innerBrowser |

     aNode tags = 'código'
         ifFalse: [^self].

     innerBrowser := GTPlayground new.
     constructor custom: innerBrowser.

and is the one working on Pharo4 #40576 and failing on #40586.

Hope this helps to catch the error.

By the way, I have two questions:

a) If I want to build grafoscopio on a particular update of Pharo 4,
instead of the last one, say #40576, while the bug ins hunted, how can I
download that particular version?

b) I don't want to resize the browser windows to see the tab name (the
one called "Arbol Principal"). There is any way to send the browser to
show itself maximized?

Thanks and keep the good work.



El 26/03/15 a las 17:40, Andrei Chis escribió:

Can you check that the latest moose version fixes you issue.


On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 1:08 AM, Andrei Chis <chisvasileandrei@gmail.com
<mailto:chisvasileandrei@gmail.com>> wrote:

     Not sure how it was on moose 5.0.
     Things changed. We'll fix it until the release.


     On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 1:07 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
     <offray@riseup.net <mailto:offray@riseup.net>> wrote:

         Do you mean that between 5.1 and 5.0 it became hardcoded?
Previously it
         just was a matter of naming methods on the GrafoscopioNode
object the
         same that the playground was expecting to get (#title and
#content) and
         I can get playgrounds named as I want. Why this became



         El 23/03/15 a las 18:47, Andrei Chis escribió:

             Right now 'Untitled' is kind of hardcoded.
             We should make it configurable.


             On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 12:48 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna
             <offray@riseup.net <mailto:offray@riseup.net>
             <mailto:offray@riseup.net <mailto:offray@riseup.net>>>


                   Because Pharo 4 is getting closer and I can see
             improvements on
                   shortcuts (Ctrl and Alt are switched finally and we
                   behaviour between apps in Linux), I'm moving to
moose 5.1 as
             my base
                   platform for the development of grafoscopio. So
far, so good,
             but I would
                   like some of the behaviours on 5.0 back on 5.1,
like the way
             to embed
                   playgrounds with named nodes.

                   So here is the screenshot of grafoscopio with a
code type node
             open inside
                   an interactive document running on Moose 5.0:




                   And here is the same interactive document open on
Moose 5.1:




                   As you can see, in the first screenshot, the
playground takes
             the same name
                   of the node that is storing its contents, while the
second one
             has just
                   "Untitled" as title.

                   My code for embedding playgrounds is

                   GrafoscopioBrowser>>____bodyForCodeIn: constructor
for: aNode
                            "Shows the body of a node as an interactive
             playground. If node is
                   not tagged it will return itself,
                             so it can be rendered properly for other

                            | innerBrowser |

                            aNode tags = 'código'
                                    ifFalse: [^self].

                            innerBrowser := GTPlayground new.
                            constructor custom: innerBrowser.

                   How the code needs to be changed so I can get named
             playgrounds as was
                   happening with 5.0.

                   Cheers and keep the good work.


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