Great work.

When we see things that are not supported in Pier3, we will remove it altogether. For example, Citezen will not be used anymore. It was only for publications, but it is not important enough to warrant the overhead.

I want to rework the site completely. We will only use the contexts for some of the existing parts, and ditch those that are not useful anymore.


On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Diego Lont <> wrote:
Hi all,

Load script below still should be made nicer (using the ConfigurationOfPier3Addons), but for now this gives a reasonable result. There are a few notes:
- you should not forget to copy the files. Preferable before creating the Pier instance.
- there are still some does not understands in Citizen, because there are no accessors to build this tree. If someone can give me rights to this, I will add the accessors needed.
- pier3 requires {{{ }}} to embed html. This is not converted, and gives some flaky results.
- testing the site, shows that some parts do not work yet, because some of the used components do not work in Pier3.

Export script:
" Load exporter code "
package: 'Pier-Exporter-Code';

" Check the kernel name, for moose-technology this was the default (pier) "
(Smalltalk at: #PRKernelCodeExporter) exportAsPier3Kernel: 'pier'.

self doStuffInComment.
" Save exported code with Monticello "

Import script: (tested in a fresh pharo 2.0, tailored to work for the moose-technology website, as it loads the used packages for this website.)
" Load Pier"
Gofer new
package: 'ConfigurationOfPier3';

(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPier3) load.

" Load things we need for some of the extensions "
Gofer new
package: 'ConfigurationOfFame';

((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfFame) project version: '1.2') load: 'Core'.

Gofer new
package: 'ConfigurationOfRoassal';

(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfRoassal) project latestVersion load.

Gofer new
package: 'ConfigurationOfCitezen';
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfCitezen) version: '2.1') load: 'Web'.

" Load Pier extensions "
Gofer new
package: 'Pier-Blog';
package: 'Pier-Documents';
package: 'Pier-Exporter-Code';
package: 'Pier-JQuery';
package: 'Pier-Google';
package: 'Pier-Fame';
package: 'TopFeeder-Pier-Widgets';
package: 'Pier-Randomizer';

self doStuffInComment.
" manually do the following things 
- load exported code
- roll back Magritte-Exernal-FileModel to version 'Magritte-Pharo-Model-DiegoLont.27'
- Copy the folder '/files' to the (resource folder of the) new image or configure Magritte-External-FileModel to point to the right place.

" remove old occurrences: "
PRKernel reset.
" and load and register the new one: "
PRKernelCreatorForPier register


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