I've been distracted for a while tackling Pharo 3 bugs leading up to release, but I very pleased to hear of this change. As someone who was using Roassal1 with Glamour sans Mondrian, it was painful and awkward to get a raw ROView without the stuff that Mondrian adds to it. I eventually found a work around that I think got integrated, but it was a bit of a hack.Usman Bhatti wrote:
Is there any particular reason for GLMRoassal2Presentation working with RTView instead of RTMondrianViewBuilder i.e. in the painting block, we get RTView object instead of the builder.
I am asking this question because the predecessor, GLMRoassalPresentation, used to work with ROMondrianViewBuilder. Now, when we'll move our visualizations to work with Roassal2 in Glamour we'll have to make major modifications to the source code because the level of details with RTView and RTMondrianViewBuilder is not the same.
For a long while, it seemed to me that Roassal did not have an independent identity separate from Mondrian. References to Mondrian and Roassal seemed often used interchangeably. Some mixed concerns were understandable since Roassal was (I believe) initially designed to provide an abstraction layer under the Mondrian API. However as Roassal finds broader use beyond Mondrian, things like GLMRoassalPresentation need to be separated from Mondrian. However perhaps there needs to be a new GLMMondrianPresentation, that won't clash with the old Mondrian since as I understand it that has been removed from the current Moose.
Speaking from what I remember of Roassal1, you could always get a ROMondrianViewBuilder from an ROView, but not the other way around.
So where previously you might have...
andShow: [ :a | a roassal painting: [ :mondrianViewBuilder | "do mondrian stuff ...."
I guess it now needs to be modified to...
andShow: [ :a | a roassal painting: [ :roassalView | | mondrianViewBuilder := ROMondrianViewBuilder on: roassalView. [ "do mondrian stuff...."
or alternatively, perhaps the following would be better...
andShow: [ :a | a mondrian painting: [ :mondrianViewBuilder | "do mondrian stuff ...."
since this will no longer clash with the original Mondrian.
cheers -ben
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