Hi!This evening I invited Andrei over to enjoy the sunset view on the Andes. We also played with Spotter. The problem we wanted to solve is the following: There are many examples in Roassal (exactly 210), covering different aspects of Roassal and looking for the right example usually takes time. So, we wanted to give a chance at Spotter.By loading GT-SpotterExtensions-CoreRoassal fromMCSmalltalkhubRepository
owner: 'Moose'
project: 'GToolkit'
user: ''
password: ‘'You will enjoy the excellent work of Andrei.The key method is the following:-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=GTSpotter>>spotterRoassalExamplesFor: aStep<spotterOrder: 500>
aStep listProcessor
allCandidates: [ (RTAbstractExample allSubclasses collect: #new)
flatCollect: [ :each | each gtExamples ] ];
title: 'Roassal Examples';
itemName: [ :example | example selector ];
itemIcon: [ :example | example iconForm ];
wantsToDisplayOnEmptyQuery: false-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=So, now, you can trigger Spotter with Cmd-Enter, and enter some words related to Roassal, for example ‘circle layout’, or ‘composite shape’ or 'color edge popup’, a matching is done with the source code of the example. For example, searching for ‘circle layout’ will suggest all the examples that contains the words ‘circle’ and ‘layout’.Here is a screenshot:The example is run by pressing enter:Very cool!Thanks Andrei!!!--_,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
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