Using (morphPresentation pane port: 'filtered') or (aPresentation pane port: 'filtered') instead of (self pane port: 'filtered')  should give you the desired behavior.
Not sure exactly why using self does not work, but is surely has to do something with the the fact that glamour copies presentations a lot.


On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 2:33 PM, Guillaume Larcheveque <> wrote:
Here is a really short example

2014-10-08 14:06 GMT+02:00 Andrei Chis <>:

Do you have somewhere an entire example that shows the problem?

I tried the examples below and it worked as expected. There could be other issues related to composite presentations.
Are you using tabulators in your custom composite presentations?

browser := GLMTabulator withStatusbar.
row: #selector; 
row: #graph.
browser transmit to: #selector; andShow: [ :a | 
a list
act: [ :presentation | (presentation pane port: #filtered) value: 10 ] 
 entitled: 'populate' ].
browser transmit 
from: #selector port: #filtered; 
to: #graph; 
andShow: [ :a | 
a text display: [ :x | x ] ].
browser openOn: (1to:9)

browser := GLMTabulator withStatusbar.
innerBrowser := GLMTabulator new.
innerBrowser row: #r1.
innerBrowser transmit to: #r1; andShow: [ :a | 
a list
act: [ :presentation | (presentation pane port: #filtered) value: 10 ] 
 entitled: 'populate' ].
innerBrowser transmit from:#r1 port:#filtered; toOutsidePort: #filtered.
row: #selector; 
row: #graph.
browser transmit to: #selector; andShow: [ :a | 
a custom: innerBrowser ].
browser transmit 
from: #selector port: #filtered; 
to: #graph; 
andShow: [ :a | 
a text display: [ :x | x ] ].
browser openOn: (1to:9)

On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 1:13 PM, Guillaume Larcheveque <> wrote:

Usman and I use glamour a lot to quickly create cool browsers.
To capitalize some recurrent parts of our browsers, we create subclasses to GLMCompositePresentation and then use it that way:

browser := GLMTabulator withStatusbar.
...structure definition...
browser transmit to: #selector; andShow: [ :a | a custom: (MyCustomPresentation new)].
then we just have to implement the #compose method and everything is fine.

But now i have to transmit data to something else (I want to create a filter that will receive a collection of entities and transmit only a subset of it to another presentation)

I am using some morphs in this custom presentation and on some events I send:
(self pane port: #filtered) value: self filter

In my browser i have a transmission like this: 
browser transmit from: #selector port: #filtered; to: #graph; andShow: [ :a | a list display: [ :list | list ] ]. 

It doesn't work because the pane obtained in my custom presentation is not the one defined in my browser but another one named 'root'.

Maybe i am not using it in the right way but i don't see another way to do it correctly (I would like to avoid to set the right pane in my presentation).

Thanks in advance for your help.

PS: I tried to look in the MooseBook but the server is down

Guillaume Larcheveque

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