
I'm beginning with moose and I've a problem with Mondrian

I want to generate visualization with this code :

view newShape rectangle; height: #numberOfMethods; width:  
#numberOfAttributes; linearFillColor: #numberOfLinesOfCode within:  
classes; withBorder.
view nodes: classes.
view edges: classes
    from: [:each | each superclass]
    to: [:each | each].
view treeLayout.

I think it's correct because I've found it on http://moose.unibe.ch/tools/mondrian/tour?_s=LrcZtOGEBQIygSJg&_k=RnnrLpmU&_n&68
But I've problem with symbols (like #numberOfMethods) : they are not defined.

Maybe there is a special manipulation to do ?

I've done this :
- open Moose
- "Open in Mondrian Easel"
- inset this code in the window
- "generate view"

Thanks to help me