Hi Folks...Sorry for the "urgen" but I got an idea for my paper with deadline tomorro hahahahah
I was using DistributionMaps where the containers were packages for example, elements classes, and properties the amount of instances. For example, see the attached screenshot.
Now....it is difficult to find the classes with most instances since I need to search for an specific color.
I thoguht that having someting like CodeCity can be interesting. I would like:
- EAch building (square) is a container -> package
- Each little squeare (that has heigh) is a element -> class
- The heigh is a property, in this case, the amount of instances for example.
Then I can easily see packages/classes with several intances easily (the highest ones).
So...is that possible? how easier? :)
Right now I was doing my DM something like this:
I checked for *City* class in Moose 4.1 but I didn't find anything :(
The only thing I found was this link: http://www.moosetechnology.org/tools/vw/codecity
Thanks for any help