Hi Fabrice,
We have known this bug for quite some time. Actually, this is this bug which has motivated us to start Charter.
I suggest you to complete drop GraphET2 and focus on Charter. Here is an example:
b := RTCharterBuilder new.
b extent: 300 @ 300.
b shape rectangle size: 0.
b points: (0 to: 100).
b allY: [ :x | x * x ].
b allX: #yourself.
b connectDotColor: Color gray.
b axisXTitled: 'X'; axisYTitled: 'Y'.
b build
It produces the following:
Let us know how we can help you to migrate your code from GraphET2 to Charter.
On Sep 19, 2014, at 6:24 AM, Fabrice Atrevi <
atrevifabrice@gmail.com> wrote:
I face a bug in the labelling of x-axis with GET2Line in graphET2. For example, with this code:
| builder |
builder := GET2Line data: (0 to: 100).
y: [ :x | x*x ];
dotSize: 10.
builder open
I got the first screenshot.
With another example, i note that, the X-Axis take the right value, but the label is not correct.
| bg|
data class== KETimeSeries ifTrue:[
bg := GET2Line new view: each; data: (data index).
bg x: [:e | (data index) at: e];
y: [ :x | data at: x];
title:'Graph of compartment ' ,(donne keyAtValue: data);
lineWidth: 2;
height: 200;
width: 500.
bg interaction popupText.
bg build.
The second screenshot show that, when i point the value "24.35" on the x-axis, i get "50" because i use "interaction popupText".
The third screenshot show what i got with another builder.
Remark: i have integrated GET2Line in a browser with Glamour.
ATREVI D. Fabrice
Master en Informatique A l'Institut de la Francophonie pour l'Informatique (IFI/Hanoļ)
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