Hello Simon,

Thanks. I checked the class MooseSampleData :)

On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 9:44 AM, Simon Denier <simon.denier@gmail.com> wrote:

On 7 juil. 2011, at 23:29, Andre Hora wrote:

> Hello Doru,
> How can I create a "history model" using the Hismo meta-model. Lets say that I have different models (versions) loaded in Moose and I want to create a Hismo model representing these models (versions).
> Is there some automatic way to do that?

As far as I remember, you create one Hismo model, then add each of your versions in order of creation to the Hismo model. It's as simple as that :)

PS: given the great work done by Max and Camillo with FSGit, it should be pretty easy to import a Git repository in Hismo/Kumpel? You can just import the file structure of each commit (a FSGitFileSystem) in a MooseModel. The only problem is a performance problem when browsing a the full history. Right now it's ok to import 100 commits but then it starts to be very slow. Max will have a look at this.

Simon Denier

Moose-dev mailing list

Andre Hora