I found 2 bugs when I tried to change color of one of the shape in the RTCompositeShape

view := RTView new.
el := (RTCompositeShape new
shape1: RTBox new;
shape2: RTLabel new)
elementOn: 'Element'.
view add: el.
view canvas addMenu: 'Color' callback: [ el shape shape1 color: Color red. el update. view canvas signalUpdate ].
view open

The color of the box is changed but it does not have the good size anymore.

The second one is with one of the shape is a RTCompositeShape itself

view := RTView new.
el := (RTHorizontalCompositeShape new
shape1: (RTCompositeShape new shape1: RTBox new; shape2: RTLabel new);
shape2: (RTEllipse new size: 10; color: Color blue))
elementOn: 'Element'.
view add: el.
view canvas addMenu: 'Color' callback: [ el shape shape2 color: Color red. el update. view canvas signalUpdate ].
view open

Raise an error :

RTCompositeShape>>#updateFor:trachelShape: is missing
Leo Perard
University of Lille 1