Excellent hunting!
I think this is a conceptual bug in the current Pharo implementation.
Anyway, I fixed it now (and added a comment):
MOAbstractGraphLayout>>childrenFor: aNode except: aNodeCollection
^(self childrenFor: aNode)
reject: [:each | aNodeCollection includes: each]
"we are explicitly not using the default Collection>>difference: behavior here because we want to preserve the order of the collection"
On 16 May 2012, at 18:22, Ben Coman wrote:
This discussion originates from Mondrian on Moose 4.7 where layouts which previously were exactly reproducible now randomly alternate between two arrangements. I have cross-posted since upstream behaviour of Collection>>difference: has changed between Pharo 1.3 and 1.4.
The issue in Mondrian has been isolated so that it can be observed using the attached changeset 'isolate-unstable-972.2.cs' against a fresh Moose 4.7 image downloaded a few moments ago.
After loading the cs, open a Transcript and then <Generate> the following script in Modrian Easel a dozen times.
view shape label.
view nodes: #(1 2 3 4 ).
view edgesFromAssociations: { 1 -> 2. 1 ->3 . 3 -> 4}.
view treeLayout
At some point you will see a change in the order that nodes are drawn between runs as reflected in lines B2 and A2 shown below...
------------------------------RUN 1
B1>an OrderedCollection(a MONode model: 2 a MONode model: 3)
B2>an OrderedCollection(a MONode model: 3 a MONode model: 2)
A2>a MONode model: 1
A2>a MONode model: 3
A2>a MONode model: 4
A2>a MONode model: 2
------------------------------RUN 2
B1>an OrderedCollection(a MONode model: 2 a MONode model: 3)
B2>an OrderedCollection(a MONode model: 2 a MONode model: 3)
A2>a MONode model: 1
A2>a MONode model: 2
A2>a MONode model: 3
A2>a MONode model: 4
The cause of this is a change in behaviour of Collection>>#difference: between Pharo 1.3 & 1.4. This can be observed by executing the following in Workspace...
20 timesRepeat:
one := TextMorph new newContents: '1'.
two := TextMorph new newContents: '2'.
collection := (OrderedCollection with: one with: two).
diff := collection difference: OrderedCollection new.
Transcript crShow: diff first text, diff second text.
In Pharo 1.3 the result never deviates from '12'.
In Pharo 1.4 the result is sometimes '21'.
Pharo 1.3 has...
Collection>>difference: aCollection
"Answer the set theoretic difference of two collections."
^ self reject: [:each | aCollection includes: each]
Pharo 1.4 has...
Collection>>difference: aCollection
"Answer the set theoretic difference of two collections."
| set|
set := self asSet.
aCollection do: [ :each|
set remove: each ifAbsent: []].
^ self species withAll: set asArray
Your thoughts?
cheers -ben
Tudor Girba wrote:
Could it be a Pharo issue, because I think it happened since we moved to Pharo 1.4.
On 15 May 2012, at 21:51, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Well… this happens since the changes in the collection hierarchy a few weeks ago.
The tree layout should indeed preserver the order. I spent some time but I could not see where the problem came from. I should spent some more time on this.
Alexandre Bergel
On May 13, 2012, at 11:21 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:
Thanks, Alex.
But, it is not good in this case to fix the tests because the rendering should remain the same :(.
For example, in the MetaBrowser I rely on the fact that the tree rendering remains the same to highlight the currently selected property.
We need to investigate this issue closer because it is an important bug.
On 14 May 2012, at 04:04, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
I've seen you committed in the Mondrian rep about the rubber band drag and drop facilities. This is indeed an interesting feature. However, I feel a bit more work is necessary. Here are my suggestions:
- can you make sure all the Mondrian tests are green. Apparently MORoot>>resetFormCacheResursively disappeared.
Do you mean MONode>>resetFormCacheResursively which was renamed in Mondrian-Core-AlexandreBergel.79 ?
I've searched back a few Mondrian-Core mcz files and not found MORoot>>resetFormCacheResursively.
I fixed a few remaining references to this in Mondrian-Core-BenComan.80 et al.
Ok, I've produced a new version of Mondrian that includes your changes.
I fixed MOLayoutTest>>testTreeLayout failure in Mondrian-Tests-BenComan.101.
There is one remaining failure that I can't work out. TestRunner cannot open a debugger on it and after inserting 'self halt' it steps through to the end of the method without a failure. Makes no sense to me. I need to leave this one to others.
The tree layout seems to randomly order the nodes. Type the following script in an easel:
view shape rectangle withText.
view nodes: #(1 2 3 4 ).
view edgesFromAssociations: { 1 -> 2. 1 ->3 . 3 -> 4}.
view treeLayout
Times to times it produces:
<Screen Shot 2012-05-13 at 10.02.08 PM.png>
times to times it produces:
<Screen Shot 2012-05-13 at 10.02.16 PM.png>
A few weeks ago, it had always produced the same rendering, and tests had been written accordingly. Now it varies, so tests have to be adjusted. I fixed this.
The test is now green.
- add new tests that capture your change of MOCanvas>>mouseUp: , MOCanvas>>mouseOver:, and possibly for MOCanvas>>drawOn:. Those methods are central to Mondrian, they need to be robust.
I will now start thinking about some tests for these.
Let me know how it goes. Currently the tests of Mondrian are yellow.
On 8 May 2012, at 16:42,
See <http://hudson.moosetechnology.org/job/moose-latest-dev/972/>
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'From Pharo1.4 of 18 April 2012 [Latest update: #14438] on 16 May 2012 at 11:15:20 pm'!
!MOAbstractRegularTreeLayout methodsFor: 'hook' stamp: 'BenComan 5/16/2012 23:14'!
doExecute: node
| rootNodes btcdebug|
alreadyLayoutedNodes := OrderedCollection new.
rootNodes := self rootNodesFor: node nodes.
nodesByLayer := OrderedCollection new.
self flag: #btcdebug.
"Regarding moose-dev@iam.unibe.ch emails 'Jenkins build is still unstable: moose-latest-dev #972'
To isolate the issue, open a Transcript then generate the following in Mondrian Easel twenty times
view shape label.
view nodes: #(1 2 3 4 ).
view edgesFromAssociations: { 1 -> 2. 1 ->3 . 3 -> 4}.
view treeLayout.
btcdebug := rootNodes first.
Transcript cr; crShow: '------------------------------'.
Transcript crShow: 'B1>', (self childrenFor: btcdebug) asString.
Transcript crShow: 'B2>', (self computeChildrenFor: btcdebug) asString.
layout: rootNodes
atPoint: self leftGap @ self topGap
atLayer: 1.
self isLayered ifTrue: [
self rearrangeByLayers: node ]! !
!MOAbstractVerticalTreeLayout methodsFor: 'hook-private' stamp: 'BenComan 5/16/2012 23:02'!
layout: aNodeCollection atPoint: aPoint atLayer: aNumber
| treeSize childrenPosition x y middleOfTree |
aNodeCollection isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^ 0 ].
x := aPoint x.
y := aPoint y.
alreadyLayoutedNodes addAll: aNodeCollection.
self atLayer: aNumber add: aNodeCollection.
aNodeCollection do: [ :each |
self flag: #btcdebug. Transcript crShow: 'A2>', each asString.
childrenPosition := y + each height + self verticalGap.
treeSize := each width
max: (self layout: (self computeChildrenFor: each) atPoint: x @ childrenPosition atLayer: aNumber + 1).
middleOfTree := x + (treeSize / 2.0) - (each width / 2.0).
each translateTo: middleOfTree @ y.
x := x + treeSize + self horizontalGap ].
^ x - aPoint x - self horizontalGap! !
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