De : Moose-dev []
De la part de Stéphane Ducasse
Envoyé : samedi 9 septembre 2017 09:11
À :
Objet : [Moose-dev] APi question
I'm rusty but I wanted to share something
I did
MooseModel allInstances second allModelClasses numberOfLinesOfCode
and I got an error because a group does not know number of lines of code.
It is better to do MooseModel root than allInstances when the model is installed in the Moose Panel (you can do it by performing #install on an instance of
a MooseModel).
Why a FamixClassGroup does not know this message?
In fact it knows totalNumberOfLinesOfCode
But numberOfLinesOfCode is defined on model.
So is there a way to convert a group into a model?
Don’t do that. I migrate the
numberOfLinesOfCode to AbstractMooseGroup and deleted
totalNumberOfLinesOfCode which is now in duplication of numberOfLinesOfCode.
Stéphane Ducasse
03 59 35 87 52
Assistant: Julie Jonas
FAX 03 59 57 78 50
TEL 03 59 35 86 16
S. Ducasse - Inria
40, avenue Halley,
Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne, Bât.A, Park Plaza
Villeneuve d'Ascq 59650