On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 3:50 PM, Tudor Girba <tudor@tudorgirba.com> wrote:
Hi Usman,
I think your question is about a menu, not about the status bar (the status bar is what appears at the bottom with explanations).
>From what I understand, you are asking about having a means to parameterize a presentation. There is no support for this at this moment. Just a wish:
But, your problem can be solved reasonably well with two presentations presented as tabs. Take a look at MooseDependencyBrowser.
> _______________________________________________
On 2 Jan 2012, at 15:32, Usman Bhatti wrote:
> I am trying to add a checkbox in the glamour status bar for allowing user to change the type of interaction with a visualization. I've seen different glamour examples but most are about adding lists, buttons and dropdown lists.
> My question: Is there an easy way to add a checkbox in the status bar of the GLMTabulator?
> I have a (not so elegant) solution that allows toggling for the moment.
> browser := GLMTabulator withStatusbar.
> browser column: #painting.
> browser
> act: [:b |
> ((b actions at: 1) title includesSubString: 'Provider')
> ifTrue: [(b actions at: 1) title: 'Client Dependencies'.]
> ifFalse: [(b actions at: 1) title: 'Provider Dependencies']
> ] entitled: 'Client Dependencies'.
> browser transmit to: #painting; andShow: [ :a |
> a mondrian view: self view ].
> ^ browser
> thanx
> Usman
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