Hi everyone,

My name is Cuong, from Post and Telecommunication of Information Technology in Vietnam. I am new to Moose, so can I ask you a question about how to use Moose to compute CK+OO metrics? I already exported .mse file for my project from Infusion tool, but it could not import to Moose (version 4.9) to calculate CK+OO metrics. Can you tell me how to do it?

Another question I want to ask you is that there is a function in Infosion tool that allows us to extract CK+OO metrics to html file, which is very convenient. The problem here is that I need to have license of Infusion to extract metrics for big projects (more than 100000 lines of code). It is quite expensive and I could not afford it. So do you have any suggestion about this problem? I really need this for my final thesis at my university.

Thank you so much.