
I've encountered a bug with TRMouseMove.
When registered on canvas it doesn't get fired when mouse is over an element which has any callback registered.

In TRMorph>>rtMouseMoving:
line shape := self shapeWithActionForPositionInPixels: relativePosition. doesn't respect what kind of event is actually registered to the shape - so if I register TRMouseClick on a box, TRMouseMove on canvas will not work.

I would expect the event to always get fired for canvas.


view := RTView new.

lbl := RTLabel new elementOn: 'position'.
view add: lbl.
badBox := RTBox new size: 50; color: Color red; element.
badBox translateBy: -50 @ -50.
view add: badBox.

goodBox := RTBox new size: 50; color: Color green; element.
goodBox translateBy: 50 @ -50.
view add: goodBox.

when: TRMouseClick
do: [  ].
do: [ :evt |
lbl shape text: (view canvas camera fromPixelToSpace: evt position) printString. lbl update.
view signalUpdate  ].

view open.