
I am traveling these days. I just came back from speakerconf.com where I demoed the Pharo and the GTInspector. It raised positive reactions.

Next week is NDC Oslo, where I have a 1h session to show Pharo. GT (including Roassal) will certainly be part of the show. With this occasion I am trying to prepare some easily demoable scenarios that can serve as documentation as well.

The list of projects you are working on looks nice. I reviewed Inti this week. It has nice ideas, but the implementation is not concise, and there are several things that should be improved. I will follow later with another email on this.

In parallel, I am working together with Andrei on extending GT:
- The inspector got extended a bit with several things like the DB support, or the file system. An interesting direction is in documenting it to get people to use it more extensively. For example, ideally, all examples around Roassal should work in the inspector.
- The code/text editing will be moved to Rubric.
- We are working on an extended concept for the playground that combines what exists now with a REPL.
- Andrei is also working on a new class editor that implies no panes.
- We have some other backing tracks around how to bring ideas from search interfaces like Quicksilver or Alfred in the IDE.


On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 1:35 PM, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel@me.com> wrote:

It has been very quiet these last few days? Are you busy working on cool projects? What is the name of it? What does it do?

I start. We are working on:
- a paper on Roassal 3d for ESUG. It will describe some cool visualizations, including a code city-like. Together with Ronie, Milton and Francisco

- additional interactions for roassal2, in particular avoiding collision between elements. This is useful when nodes are dynamically added to a canvas. With Juraj

- on a new IDE based on Roassal. You may have seen the video "browsing your code as a Disneyland ride" we are pushing this very hard. With Juraj

- Inti for Pharo, a very nice and interactive view for code profiling. Milton is the main architect

- many other cool stuff, such as event profiling, code metrics, Roassal book. People from Brazil are deeply involved in this

Yes, we are actively preparing our trip for ESUG :)

What do you work on these days?
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