Stef means Roassal 1.

Exactly because Fuel was not used, we can remove this behavior. I guess there is quite some client code that still uses Roassal 1, so, it would still be nice to have a clean version of Roassal 1 even after we remove it from the main Moose distribution.


On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 2:14 AM, Alexandre Bergel <> wrote:
> Why Roassal depends on FuelMetalevel?

Because Roassal1 has a feature to export view using Fuel. This was never really used actually.

> - having the stable as a baseline is not nice because clients will cry big times.
> - there is no correct version and it would be good to use versionner to manage it
> and to release some versions from time to time. Now that roassal2 is out it is importnt that people
> can build on versions if they want.
> Typically Synectiquers should really pay attention to this "detail"
> - unique version is pure junk and looks like from a tutorial so I can clean it.
> - versionDevelopment: introduce a dependencies to FuelMetalevel.
> I do not have access to it but I can clean it fast. Else I will fork it.

Which version of Roassal are you referring to? Roassal 1 or 2?

Alexandre Bergel

Moose-dev mailing list


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