
I am constructing a tree presentation with Glamour. Parents are modules in my tree and children are a module's functions. Here is the code:

modulesIn: composite

^ composite tree
title: 'All Modules';
showOnly: 50;
display: [ :each | each allModules];
tags: [ :each | 
{each numberOfFunctions asString} ];
format: [ :each | each mooseName];
selectionAct: [:each | each selection inspect ] on: $i entitled: 'Inspect';
icon: #mooseIcon;
children: [:each | each functions ].

Now, when I click on a child, glamour wants to executes the children and tags block on a function in the above code. Now since my functions do not understand the messages functions/numberOfFunctions, there is an error.

My question: for constructing a glamour tree, should parents and children both understand the same API or am I missing something here?

