As the subject suggests, moose repo on squeaksource has been completely moved to SThub. Now, we distinguish two types of package in squeaksource/Moose:
- the packages from the repo loaded by the current moose configuration are moved to Moose project on SThub.
- the packages not loaded by the current moose config are moved to MooseArchive project on SThub (to be sure that we do not lose code).
ConfigurationOfMoose cannot be updated and tested unless all peripheral tools (Mondrian/XMLSupport/etc.) are moved to SThub.
So, we are first moving and updating leaves before updating and testing the config of trunk.
So, now remaining projects (in the coreDefault: baseline of Moose):
Mondrian, MooseAlgos, Glamour, PetitParser, XMLSupport.
I've already downloaded all packages of Mondrian, tomorrow I'll push them and update the config.
The ones that require more effort in terms of organization: Glamour and PetitParser.
So, may be during of the next week we can start loading the first basic config of moose (after some cleanup: exclude DSM, Smalldude, Nile, etc.) loadable from STHub and it would be good to make it rapid otherwise, if someone needs to push some changes in moose and (s)he starts doing it on SS, it'll be a mess.