The isPackage method is implemented only in FAMIXNamedEntity (and obviously in FAMIXPackage).
The isClass method is implemented only in FAMIXSourcedEntity (and obviously in FAMIXClass).
The isAttribute method is implemented only in FAMIXStructuralEntity (and obviously in FAMIXAttribute).
The isMethod method is not implemented…
Why not harmonizing this and defining all these methods in FAMIXEntity?
In fact, I am working with Nicolas Anquetil on the diff of models. I would like to create an Orion action for each change. Thus, if a class is added between version n and version n+1, I would like to instantiate an AddClass operator. And so on for each change. So I need to know the type of the FAMIXEntity on which the change occurred. Using these methods would be tidier than using isKindOf: method.
Please let me know if such implementations make sense for you or not.
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