Note that I also started to write/hack a TextMate bundle :P


On 15 Jan 2014, at 16:11, Johan Fabry <> wrote:

Pillar is cool.

I have been using it and found that it works quite well. The html output is very pretty and the markdown format is quite handy as well.

Damien forgot to say that Pillar / Pier also has an emacs major mode (pier-mode.el) which helps a lot when writing. :-) See

On Jan 15, 2014, at 2:17 PM, Damien Cassou <> wrote:

Dear lists,

I'm proud to announce the 0.6 release of Pillar, a syntax and
associated tools to write and generate documentation and books.

Pillar is currently used to write the Enterprise Pharo book
and other projects.

The attached screenshot shows a part of the Voyage documentation
generated by Pillar (from

Pillar has many features:
- simple markup-based syntax with references, tables, pictures,
captions... (this is the syntax of Pier)
- export to HTML, LaTeX and markdown (more to come)
- customization of the export through a dedicated STON configuration file
- support of templates using the Mustache templating engine
- syntax-highlighting of generated code blocks (not yet in LaTeX)
- configurable numbering of section titles and figures
- ...

Pillar has also:
- a 5-minutes tutorial
- a documentation
( (in progress)
- a good test coverage (91% with more than a 1000 executed tests)
- a continuous integration job
- a command-line interface
- several existing use cases:

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill

---> Save our in-boxes! <---

Johan Fabry   -
PLEIAD lab  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of Chile