
On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 3:35 PM, Nicolai Hess <nicolaihess@web.de> wrote:
2014-12-04 7:17 GMT+01:00 Tudor Girba <tudor@tudorgirba.com>:

The first problem I see is that you look for the change of port in the browser, not in the text presentation.

Try by adding onChangeOfPort: inside the text presentation creation block.

Here is a full snippet for that:


On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 12:16 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <offray@riseup.net> wrote:

Despite of my advances studying Glamorous Toolkit and making some advances on "apps" and interfaces, I really don't understand well the concept of ports and auto-update of values. So I started with a small excercise from the transcript example as proposed in the GT blog[1]. Its working as expected, so try to extend the example with a code that shows my incomplete understanding at [2]. My idea was to create a two panels browser showing an array. Left panel show a list, and right one was a text with the selected value of the list. When the values at the right were updated the list at the left was updated also. Because this was not working I create a Transcript trying to show if changes on the right where captured. I have seen the  three inter-dependant panes example, but still I don't get it right. So my questions are:

[1] http://ws.stfx.eu/L277ESMZYIF3
[2] http://ws.stfx.eu/1FOA0OWJ8PWA

a) How can I send the changes in values from the right panel to the one of the left?


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The real problems might be,
- how to access the list, that is used by the left presentation and

Why do you need that? You typically need something from that list and if you need that you pass it along in the transmission.
Any transmission can have multiple from: clauses specified and in doing so you get the values of those ports in the block.

- how to access the selected *index* of the list, so he can do a at:put: on that data

That is not possible.
btw, changing the text of the text pane *and* accepting the text on the text pane (cmd+s) both trigger a
change-event. Maybe it would be better to distinguish between both actions.

Funny. I did not see this one. This is a bug.



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