
Thanks for looking into this.

On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 11:34 PM, Lukas Renggli <renggli@gmail.com> wrote:
Looks cool.

- I would put the drop-down list with classes on top, seem to be strange to read from the bottom. 
- Editing a production does not seem to work. The method definition disappears and graph and example are broken.

Indeed, this is not yet properly working.
- I missed production protocols already in the old browser.

For now, I would like to keep it simple from the modeling of the interaction point of view. Once the current shape is working I would look into categories.
- The start production is somehow missing in the list.

Indeed, this was missing in the original browser as well :)
- Also useful would be a static tree with the references in the leaves

I do not understand this one. Could you explain a bit more?
- Inspecting a parse result inspects a GLMMultiValue.

Bug :).
- There should be a button to expand the debug trace, at least to a given level. 
Below my suggestion for the remove-production refactoring:

Cool. I will give it a try soon.


remove: aSymbol in: aClass
| references |
references := aClass new productionNames values
intersection: (aClass whichSelectorsReallyRead: aSymbol).
references notEmpty ifTrue: [
(self confirm: 'The following production(s) refer to ' , aSymbol printString , ':' , String cr , ((references collect: [ :each | each printString ]) fold: [ :a :b | a , ', ' , b ]) , '. Really delete?')
ifFalse: [ ^ self ] ].
(aClass instVarNames includes: aSymbol)
ifTrue: [ aClass removeInstVarNamed: aSymbol ].
(aClass selectors includes: aSymbol)
ifTrue: [ aClass removeSelector: aSymbol ]


On 6 December 2011 22:53, Tudor Girba <tudor@tudorgirba.com> wrote:

I just wanted to let you know that I started to rework the PetitParser browser.

There are several things that have changed:

- it is modular, currently being formed of 3 distinct browsers. To give them a try (I also attached a couple of screenshots):
PPAllParsersBrowser open.
PPParserBrowser openOn: PPArithmeticParser.
PPParserInspector openOn: PPArithmeticParser new.

- it only relies on the Glamour mechanisms without state in the implementation code. This was more of a validation that the engine is expressive enough

- it has a slightly different layout

- the Mondrian map can be used as a navigation, so clicking on a node will focus the browser on that production.

- it uses a tree widget for the debugger so we can scale for large debugging traces

What is still to do:
- install the associated instance variable for each newly created production.
- introduce parser renaming refactoring. This would entail triggering both a method and an instance var rename.
- add the possibility to remove a production. This would entail removing a method and the corresponding instance var.
- make the morph graph view interactive.
- add a new grammar class.
- integrate tests for each production. This would involve being able to browse tests associated to a production, run, add and remove them.

If these would work, we would have a true IDE and for most parts we would not need the Smalltalk editor for building parsers.
But, I could use some help on the todos left, especially on the refactorings.



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