forgot to add that I used PharoLauncher to download the imageOn Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 1:41 PM, kilon alios <> wrote:
I downloaded the second moose image (the one with the moose logo) and gives me an error when I try to loadBleedingEdge as beforeCould not Resolve : Moose-Algos-KotractorI would paste the stack but I see no such feature in the debugger.On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 12:58 PM, Tudor Girba <> wrote:
Hi,You should use the Moose image.I just tried and it works. As far as I can see the goal is to produce a visual tool for software assessment. It looks pretty good. I will take a look at the code later.Keep it up.DoruOn Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 11:43 AM, kilon alios <> wrote:
I tried your code but I am getting errors. I downloaded your Configuration and I did ConfigurationOfTelescope loadBleedingEdge.Try the first sample gives meMNU>>receiver of "new" is nilUndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #newTLVizuBuilder>>kontract:TLVizuBuilder>>render in Block: [ :c | ...Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do:TLVizuBuilder>>renderTLVizuBuilder>>openTLTelescope>>openUndefinedObject>>DoItOpalCompiler>>evaluateSmalltalkEditor>>evaluateSelectionAndDo:SmalltalkEditor>>evaluateSelectionPluggableTextMorph>>doIt in Block: [ textMorph editor evaluateSelection ]PluggableTextMorph>>handleEdit: in Block: [ result := editBlock value ]TextMorphForEditView(TextMorph)>>handleEdit:PluggableTextMorph>>handleEdit:PluggableTextMorph>>doItSmalltalkEditor class>>buildSmalltalkEditorKeymappingsOn: in Block: [ :morph | morph doIt ]BlockClosure>>cull:BlockClosure>>cull:cull:BlockClosure>>cull:cull:cull:KMCategoryBinding>>completeMatch:buffer:KMKeymap>>notifyCompleteMatchTo:buffer: in Block: [ :l | l completeMatch: self buffer: aBuffer ]Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do:KMKeymap>>notifyCompleteMatchTo:buffer:KMKeymap>>onMatchWith:notify:andDo:KMCategory>>onMatchWith:notify:andDo: in Block: [ :entry | entry onMatchWith: anEventBuffer notify...etc...Set>>do:KMCategory>>onMatchWith:notify:andDo:KMCategoryBinding>>verifyMatchWith:notifying:thenDoing:KMDispatcher>>dispatch: in Block: [ :aTarget | ...second sample gives me another errorCharacterSet class(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #numberOfLinesOfCodeUndefinedObject>>DoIt in Block: [ :class | class numberOfLinesOfCode > 30 ]BlockClosure>>rtValue:TLVizuBuilder>>onElements:containers:properties: in Block: [ :element | ...OrderedCollection>>do:TLVizuBuilder>>onElements:containers:properties:TLTelescope>>onElements:containers:properties:UndefinedObject>>DoItOpalCompiler>>evaluateSmalltalkEditor>>evaluateSelectionAndDo:SmalltalkEditor>>evaluateSelectionPluggableTextMorph>>doIt in Block: [ textMorph editor evaluateSelection ]PluggableTextMorph>>handleEdit: in Block: [ result := editBlock value ]TextMorphForEditView(TextMorph)>>handleEdit:PluggableTextMorph>>handleEdit:PluggableTextMorph>>doItSmalltalkEditor class>>buildSmalltalkEditorKeymappingsOn: in Block: [ :morph | morph doIt ]BlockClosure>>cull:BlockClosure>>cull:cull:BlockClosure>>cull:cull:cull:KMCategoryBinding>>completeMatch:buffer:KMKeymap>>notifyCompleteMatchTo:buffer: in Block: [ :l | l completeMatch: self buffer: aBuffer ]Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do:KMKeymap>>notifyCompleteMatchTo:buffer:KMKeymap>>onMatchWith:notify:andDo:KMCategory>>onMatchWith:notify:andDo: in Block: [ :entry | entry onMatchWith: anEventBuffer notify...etc...Set>>do:KMCategory>>onMatchWith:notify:andDo:KMCategoryBinding>>verifyMatchWith:notifying:thenDoing:KMDispatcher>>dispatch: in Block: [ :aTarget | ...I am huge fun of astronomy, I am definitely interested in working as a beta tester for your code and learn more about Roassal :) I am actually learning Roassal and Mondrian during my easter vacations .On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 12:20 PM, Leo Perard <> wrote:
Hi everybody,
I'm working on vizualisation with Roassal2 and I would like to have some feedbacks on my work.You can vizualise some elements in their containers and test a property on the elements.You have the legend build with the property and a menu (not a lot of features in the menu but it will come).Edges are not available yet, but I'm working on it.The repository :MCHttpRepositoryuser: ''password: ''To load the project : ConfigurationOfTelescope loadTo play with it you can follow this example :| telescope |telescope := TLTelescope new onContainers: Collection withAllSubclasses elements: #authors properties: #yourself.telescope numberOfColors: 9. "optional"telescope openor| telescope |telescope := TLTelescope new onElements: Collection withAllSubclasses containers: #package properties: [ :class | class numberOfLinesOfCode > 30 ].telescope numberOfColors: 9. "optional"telescope openIf you have any ideas, or find somes bugs do not hesitate to report to me.Thanks.--Leo Perard_______________________________________________
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