Thank you Andrei!
First you have to load Glamour-Seaside. To do this execute the script bellow in Pharo 1.1 and then WAKom startOn: 8081(it should also work in Pharo 1.1.1 but not in Pharo 1.2).
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'Glamour';
package: 'ConfigurationOfGlamourSeaside';
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlamourSeaside) project version: '0.2') load.
It is best if you do it in an environment where you loaded Moose, as some of the examples will not work otherwise. If you want to skip this here is an image with Moose and Glamour-Seaside on Pharo 1.1.1:
Once this is done in order to get a Glamour browser working in Seaside you have to subclass SGLComponent and implement SGLComponent>>browser and SGLComponent>>model. Also in the new class you have to implement and execute the class method initialize, in order to register the browser. For an example look at SGLTreeWithLeafTags, or any other class in Glamour-Seaside-Examples. Then just point you browser to the path you specified in the initialize method and you're done.
If you only want to rapidly test a browser, without creating a new class, execute:
browser registerInSeasideOn: aModel.
You browser will be registered at the address ''. For example:
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser row: #aRow.
browser transmit to: #aRow; andShow: [:a | a list].
browser registerInSeasideOn: (1 to: 10).
The current version of Glamour-Seaside is still in development and work best on Firefox. It also "works" on Safari but the layout still has issues.
I hope this will help you. If not please let me know.
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