On a different topic, I have seen you have used a DSM on your example. Is it something you are working on?
Juraj has started to work on it. He has produced a new builder at the top of Roassal. 


| view builder |
view := ROView new.
builder := RODependencyMatrixBuilder new.
builder model:  (Array with: true with: false).
builder dependencyBoolean: #xor:.
builder gapSize: 0.

builder on: view.
view open

Another example:
| view builder objects |
objects := ROShape withAllSubclasses.
view := ROView new.
view @ RODraggable.

builder := RODependencyMatrixBuilder new.
builder model: objects.
" builder noVerticalShape."
builder dependency: #superclass.
builder gapSize: 0.
builder on: view.
view open

If you are working on something similar, it would be great to join forces...

how to load Juraj's code:
Gofer new 
    smalltalkhubUser: 'JurajKubelka' project: 'RoassalProposals'; 
    package: 'RoassalGraphBuilders';
(Smalltalk globals at: #RODependencyMatrixBuilderTest) browse.

Look at the ROMatrixExample class


On Aug 28, 2013, at 5:46 AM, MartinW <wm@fastmail.fm> wrote:

i could not find a way to get vertical labels in a Roassal visualization. Is
there a way? Or a general way to rotate elements? See attached image.

I also asked this on Stackoverflow
but as there was no answer i repost it here .


View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/How-to-get-vertical-labels-with-Roassal-tp4705387.html
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Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu