+ a reference from method M() to class A


De: "Usman Bhatti" <usman.bhatti@gmail.com>
À: "Moose-related development" <moose-dev@iam.unibe.ch>
Envoyé: Mercredi 8 Juin 2011 11:52:21
Objet: [Moose-dev] MSE: Dealing with Associations

I am looking to understand what mse entities are created for associations (except inheritance i.e. invocations, access, refs) in code and how to exactly treat the duplicates. I have seen a reference of it in a bug reported for VerveineJ but I am not sure if this issue has been discussed elsewhere.

For example, 

A a;
   a = new A();
   a = new A();


The above code creates these associations (with Verveinesharp) .. 
1. An invocations to A's constructor (duplicate constructor invocation is ignored).
2. A field access to the field a (only one instance is recorded, the others are just ignored).
3. An invocation to CallAMethod (field access is already recorded so this one is not considered).
4. A reference from method M() to type A (Duplicate reference is ignored).

Please let me know if there an anomaly.



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