On 21 avr. 2010, at 15:41, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Cool! It works for me.
dSMMatrix := DSMMatrix withNodes: #(#1 #2 #3) edges: #(#(#1 #2) #(#2 #1) #(#3 #1)).
I was wondering why not to use the Mondrian convention for specifying edges.
In mondrian you can specify edges with:
view edges: nodes from: #selector1 to: #selector2.
Indeed, this API is also reused by MooseAlgos Graph. Maybe we could define a trait.
Also, maybe it would be nice to have a DSMShape in Mondrian, that draw a DSM for a particular node (e.g., a group of packages). But maybe this could be quite some work to adapt your implementation.
I am not sure I understand what you mean.
The generic DSM could/should be customizable in three ways:
- input model
- a DSMCellShape, which takes as input the row, the column, and the dsm model
- interactions (but this comes with the CellShape normally, except for a few global interactions)