On 11 Jun 2015, at 09:30, Jan Kurš <kurs@iam.unibe.ch> wrote:

That sounds really cool and useful extension.

Thank you Jan!

Regarding the furthest failure, the core of the problem is the distinction between an error and a failure. Error reports on a problem in the input, while failure is information for choice parser combinator. In general, the furthest failure is a better approximation of an error than the last failure, so we use it.

I am not sure what exactly is the problem in case of PrattParser. I guess the last failure gives better results for a user?

Yes, with furthest failure I get errors from tokenization instead of my errors. 
For exemple with the calculator grammar I gave in my first mail when I parse ‘1+’ the furthestFailure is ‘$- expected at 2’ whereas I return ‘expression expected at 2’ because there's a whole expression missing. Same thing with ‘(1+2’ that returns ‘digit expected at 4’ instead of ‘$) expected at 4’.

But furthest failure gives wrong messages in other cases to. 
Consider this sequence parser:

keyword := #letter asParser plus , $: asParser.
keyword parse: ‘foo'

This returns 'letter expected at 3’, but no matter how many letters I add to the end I’ll still get ‘letter expected’. 
I want to get what is really missing: '$: expected at 3’.
Maybe returning the “latest furthest failure” instead of the “first furthest failure” could solves the problem here (i.e. replacing > with >= in PPContext>>#noteFailure:)?

One has to consider a pratt parser included in the normal parser, e. g. Expressions parsed by pratt in a Java Grammar. Depending where an error occurs, different strategy for choosing the proper failure is necessary :-/

Indeed, my hack (redefining #parseWithContext:) works only when the Pratt parser is the top parser, but a soon as I compose it I’m screwed because only parseOn: is sent to the Pratt parser.
That’s why I wonder if letting the parser decide what to return wouldn’t solve the problem: by default the furthest failure but special parsers can still decide.

Regarding tokenization, there is a message token, that returns PPTokenParser, which transforms a parsed input into the PPToken object. Perhaps this might be helpful?

The Pratt tokens are special: a token points back to the parser that generated it (its “kind”).
PPTokenKind subclasses PPFlatteningParser and generates instances of PPPrattToken.
A PPTokenKind stores the precedence, the action to be executed when a token of this kind is met at the start of an expression (for terminals and prefixes) and the action to be executed when a token is met in the middle of an expression (for postfixes and infixes).


Cheers Jan

On Wed, Jun 10, 2015, 20:52 Richard Sargent <richard.sargent@gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
camille teruel wrote
>> On 10 Jun 2015, at 19:11, Chris Cunningham &lt;

> cunningham.cb@

> &gt; wrote:
>> Inteteresting....
>> On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 9:36 AM, Camille &lt;

> camille.teruel@

>  &lt;mailto:

> camille.teruel@

> &gt;> wrote:
>> Hello Pharoers and Moosers,
>> I did a Pratt parser extension for PetitParser.
> <snip>
>> @PP Devs:
>> I had trouble with the PPContext furthestFailure that is taken into
>> account instead of the failures I return, so I had to redefine
>> #parseWithContext: to return the failures I want. The results given by
>> furthestFailure were not very meaningful in my case (the same is true for
>> PPExpressionParser btw).
>> But I guess it was introduced because it gives good results in other
>> cases.
>> So would it be possible to change this behavior to let the parser decide
>> if it returns the furthestFailure or the original failure?
>> The intent behind the furthestFailure is that it give the failure that
>> gets the furthest into the source stream.  It is most useful when there
>> are embedded choice operators in the parser - the original/pre furthest
>> behaviour would return the last failure, which depending on the incoming
>> stream and the order of the choice options could be significantly not
>> useful.
>> I ran into this when working with the sql parser, which started off with
>> the outer choice of (by memory):
>>    ^ selectStatement / insertStatement / updateStatement /
>> deleteStatement
>> If I was trying to part a select statement that had an error at the very
>> end of the statement, the parser would return an error talking about how
>> the incoming stream failed in deleteStatement.  Not useful.
>> I would be saddened if this further failure was not available.
> Yes in that case returning the furthest failure gives better results.
> However, this don’t give meaningful messages in all cases.
> For exemple with the calculator I gave in my previous message, if I parse
> ‘1+’ I want to get ‘expression expected at: 2’ but instead it returns ‘$-
> expected at 2'.
> I’m not proposing to remove this feature but to let parsers decide to use
> it or not.
> Something like (changes in bold):
> PPParser>>parseWithContext: context
>       | result |
>       context initializeFor: self.
>       result := self parseOn: context.
>       "Return the furthest failure, it gives better results than the last
> failure"
>       (result isPetitFailure and: [ self wantsFurthestFailure and: [ context
> furthestFailure notNil ] ])
>               ifTrue: [ ^ context furthestFailure ].
>       ^ result

This screams at me. Why not just delegate to the context and use a context
that returns the preferred failure? e.g. end with:
^context preferredResultFor: result.

> PPParser>>wantsFurthestFailure
>       ^ true
> Like this, one can return the failures he wants.
> PPPrattParser>>wantsFurthestFailure
>       ^ false
> Camille
>> -cbc

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