On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 11:39 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianopeck@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi guys. Since several months, I wanted to create a little browser for learning VM and related stuff. I never did anything because I was lazy. Last week, I took Glamour and without knowing almost anything about it, in less than 3 hours (that includes everything, downloading the image, browsing examples, searching for something similar to what I need, and code the browsers I needed) , I come up with what I want to share with you. Basically, I only have the browsers for the moment. My knowledge is very limited in the Slang to C translator, or machine code simulation. However, the "real VM hackers" will try to provide me such functionalities.

Having said that, there are 3 browsers:

1) VMBrowserSlang:  shows only packages and classes which are written in slang. When you select a method, you have 2 panels: smalltalk code and C translated code.
Screenshot: http://img857.imageshack.us/i/vmbrowserslang.png/

2) VMBrowserMethods:  shows all packages and classes of the system and for every method, you have 3 panels: smalltalk code, bytecodes and machine code (using the simple mapping)
Screenshot: http://img862.imageshack.us/i/vmbrowsermethods.png/

3) VMBrowserMappings: this is for you Eliot!!  Basically, it  shows all packages and classes of the system and for every method, you have 5 panels: smalltalk code and one panel per strategy to map to machine code (simple cogit, sista, etc).
Screenshot:  http://img4.imageshack.us/f/vmbrowsermappings.png/

As you can see the idea is to see the different stages of our code at the same time: smalltalk code, bytecodes, machine code, etc. The idea is to easily learn.

Now...the questions:

1) how can I put a title to the browsers ?  In this case, they all are subclasses from GLMGlobalBrowserTemplate.

I answer my self


    browser := GLMTabulator new.
    browser title: 'A Cool title'.

2) Is there a way to easily "close" and auto-adjust subpanes?  For example, look this screenshot: http://img4.imageshack.us/f/vmbrowsermappings.png/
there are 5 panes that are rendered when a method is selected. I would love that somehow (which a little X in the tab title, or a checkbox somewhere with the available panes), one or more of those panes can be automatically removed (and if added again even better). And when I remove one of them, the others auto-adjust to ocupy the full container. It is really difficult to explain by email..

Ok...I found the method populate: #selection icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousCancel entitled: 'Close'  with: [:text :aClass | self halt. ].
so that I can use it like this:

sourceCodeIn: a
    | lintBrowser |
    (a text)
        title: 'Method source';
        display: [ :class :method | class sourceCodeAt: method ];
        forSmalltalk: [ :class | class ];
        populate: #selection icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousCancel entitled: 'Close'  with: [:text :aClass | self halt. ].

but still, I don't know how to remove the current code pane from the super container.


Thanks in advance

