Hi guys,

I was able to create a world map rendering circles in the country centroids.
However, labelling such circles is problematic, specially in the case of Europe where many countries are small and close enough each other.

See the attachment picture,

Is there a way to set up the label size?

This is what I am doing:

    self filteredTerritories: (self itemsByFeature: 'country') asBag sortedElements.
    gbViewBuilder := RTCountryMapBuilder newWithCentroids: self filteredTerritories.
    gbViewBuilder countries: RTMapBuilder countries.
    gbViewBuilder centroids: self filteredTerritories  named: [ : assoc | assoc key  ].
    gbViewBuilder centroids shape
        size: [ : countryAssoc | countryAssoc value  ];
        if: [ :c | c value < 10 ] fillColor: (Color green alpha: 0.5);
        if: [ :c | c value >= 10 and: c value < 50 ] fillColor: (Color yellow alpha: 0.5);
        if: [ :c | c value >= 50 ] fillColor: (Color red alpha: 0.5);       
        labelledAs: [ : c | self centroidLabel: c  ].

    gbViewBuilder color: Color veryVeryLightGray.
    gbViewBuilder scale: 1.5.
    gbViewBuilder withPopup.
    gbViewBuilder build.
    gbViewBuilder view.

