2010/1/6 Simon Denier <Simon.Denier@inria.fr>

On 6 janv. 2010, at 16:48, Cyrille Delaunay wrote:

2010/1/6 Simon Denier <Simon.Denier@inria.fr>

On 6 janv. 2010, at 16:19, Cyrille Delaunay wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to retrieve the number of lines of code of a file when importing C code in moose. Here is what I do once the code loaded in moose:

Isn't there a numberOfLinesOfCode on CAImplementation?

And it's easy to define a redirection from FamixFile to CAImplementation (there is a 1-1 relationship)

Yes, it is what I do , but it doesn't return me what I expect (see below, the end of the mail)

I didnt check, but I think that CAnalyzer needs to access the source and xml files to compute lines of code. How did you import your model? Where is it on disk? Did you generate new xml files or use old ones?

I used the old ones about Linux kernel . I retrieved it from lse svn  

> - I inspect a FAMIXFile from the MooseFinder
>        -> when printing 'self numberOfLinesOfText' , it returns  '0' (while the corresponding file is not empty). This is my first problem,
> - Then, I try to retrieve the object CAImplementation (from CAnalyzer) correspondind by inspecting 'self entities first' (is it the good way?)
>        -> when printing 'self numberOfLinesOfText', it returns '-1'
>        (-> even if I inspect directly a CAImplementation object from the moose finder, it returns -1)
> So is there somethings wrong or is the problem coming from the xml files generated bu srcml?
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