You can use #height: and #width: to a builder to set a particular size. Try this:

| builder normalizer data |
data := (1 to: 100) collect: [ :i | Array with: i with: 20 atRandom + 30 ].

normalizer := RTNColorLinearNormalizer 
inContext: data withCommand: #second lowColor: Color paleRed highColor: Color blue.

builder := GET2Line data: data.
x: #first;
y: #second;
lineWidth: 2;
dotColor: [ :v |  (normalizer rtValue: v) alpha: 0.5];
dotSize: 15;
height: 100;
width: 150.

builder build.
builder view

Without specifying height: and width: gives you something like:

Alexandre Bergel

On May 19, 2014, at 4:42 AM, Fabrice Atrevi <> wrote:

i build a graph in glamour. But, when i run my browser, the graph not be at the center of the panel (like in the screen shot) and there are not the scroll bar for view properly. Also, i want to label the axis, how can i do it?

ATREVI D. Fabrice
Master en Informatique A l'Institut de la Francophonie pour l'Informatique (IFI/Hanoļ)
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