You probably want to have at the end of the script mondrian:

assocs := OrderedCollection new.
assocs add: (view nodes at: 1) model ->(view nodes at: 33) model.
assocs add: (view nodes at: 5) model ->(view nodes at: 45) model.
assocs add: (view nodes at: 8) model ->(view nodes at: 36) model.
    view edgesFromAssociations: assocs.

Nice rendering:


On May 17, 2013, at 4:52 AM, wrote:


There was a strike in Lille, and I admit it's not that easy to work home, it's far more easy to sleep in the sofa.

I have made a new shape anyway : ROArc, its an arc of a sixth of circle, maybe we can script it to choose the another shape (1/4, 1/2 ...).

Gofer new 
    smalltalkhubUser: 'MathieuDehouck' project: 'RoassalAlgorithm';
    package: 'Roassal-New';

You can try:


"Source code: ROExample>>expandableNodesOn:"
"Preambule. It includes the initialization. "
| view rawView layout |
rawView := ROView new.
view := ROMondrianViewBuilder view: rawView.

    layout:= ROVerticalCompactTree new.

    view shape circle size: 15 .
    view nodes: (Collection withAllSubclasses).
    view edgesFrom: #superclass.
    layout userDefinedEdges: view edges.
    view layout: layout.
    layout verticalGap: 70; horizontalGap: 30.
    view applyLayout.
        view nodes do: [ :f | (layout childrenFor: f) do: [ :t | (t model inheritsFrom: f model) ifTrue: [ t model methodDict keysDo: [ :k | (f model methodDict includesKey: k) ifTrue: [ view edgeFromAssociation: f model ->t model ]  ] ] ] ].
    view edges do: [ :e | e - ROLine + (ROArc new color: (Color r: 0 g: 1 b: 0.5 ); width: 2) ].
    layout userDefinedEdges do: [ :e | e - ROArc + ((ROLine new) color: (Color r: 1 g: 0 b: 0 ); width: 2 ) ].
    view shape: (ROBezierCurve orthoVertical new color: (Color r: 0.9 g: 0.8  b: 0 ); width: 2 ) .
    view edgeFromAssociation: (view nodes at: 1) model ->(view nodes at: 33) model.
    view edgeFromAssociation: (view nodes at: 5) model ->(view nodes at: 45) model.
    view edgeFromAssociation: (view nodes at: 8) model ->(view nodes at: 36) model.
"Below is the initiation of the menu and opening the visualization"
ROEaselMorphic new populateMenuOn: view.
view open.


And you'll see that when we set a new shape in the easel, only the next edge is affected.

In this example red edges represent inheritance, green arcs represent overriding on parent's methods, and the 3 other are just for test purpose.

And we noticed that only one  of the three is drawn in yellow, the two other are in straight grey.

And I think, we got the same problem when defining multiple edges at the same time, only the first take the newly set shape.



<test shape.png>_______________________________________________
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Alexandre Bergel