Hi all,

I would like to show you the Inti, Inti is a cool visualization to compare and handle instances of MessageTally.

This is just a demo, nothing in this mail is final.

This image shows the Inti program in GTInspector

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The color mapping is explainning in http://www.humane-assessment.com/blog/?_k=W1xeAy75PKaNEd2G

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Purple nodes ares nodes that have the same class of the selected method.

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This is inti profiler in pharo, this allows your to compare 2 (or more) instances of MessageTally,
and see the difference of this tallies.

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You can get this program executing the next piece of code:

Gofer new smalltalkhubUser: 'azazael'
        project: 'inti';
        package: 'ConfigurationOfInti';
	(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfInti) load.


Best regards,