Hi Serge!You pinpointed something that was missing and that Doru was not happy about the graph builder.-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| graph b |b := RTGraphBuilder new.
graph := (XESAlphaAlgorithm on: (XESParser parseString: XESParserTest
new example1)) run.b edges
b nodes if:[:m| m type = #transition]; shape:(RTEllipse new size: 20).
b nodes if:[:m| m type = #place]; shape:(RTBox new size: 20).
seed: graph edges;
connectFrom: #from;
connectTo: #to;
b layout forceCharge: -200.
b addAll: graph nodes.b open-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Gives the following:Using a tree layout gives you this:Cheers,Alexandre--
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.<Screen Shot 2014-05-19 at 15.02.53.png><Screen Shot 2014-05-19 at 15.09.56.png>_______________________________________________Dear all,
I'm currently working on a process mining tool that should allow the
extraction of processes from events log. I will present this work
during the next MOOSEDAY at Paris.
At the moment, thanks to the Moose-Algo-Graph package, I'm able to
build Petri-nets from an event log.
I would like to able to visualize the resulting Petri-net with ROASSAL.
In a MOOSE 5.0 image :
Gofer it
url: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/SergeStinckwich/Moose-XES/main';
package: 'Moose-XES'; load.
| graph view |
graph := (XESAlphaAlgorithm on: (XESParser parseString: XESParserTest
new example1)) run.
view := ROMondrianViewBuilder new.
view shape rectangle withText: [ :n | n model printString ].
view nodes: graph nodes.
view edges: graph edges from: #from to: #to.
view interaction.
view treeLayout.
view open
See the picture include.
Show I use a GraphBuilder in order to have something better ?
b := RTGraphBuilder new.
graph := (XESAlphaAlgorithm on: (XESParser parseString: XESParserTest
new example1)) run.
b nodes if:[:m| m type = #transition]; shape:(RTEllipse new size: 20).
b nodes if:[:m| m type = #place]; shape:(RTBox new size: 20).
b addAll: graph nodes.
b layout use: RTTreeLayout new.
How I could add the edges and a layout that is more similar to the
following one ?
Serge Stinckwich
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